Spirio Silver (occasionally referred to as Spirio Classic) and Spirio Play distinguish the two sequential versions of the high-definition piano playback system developed by Steinway & Sons. These systems reproduce high-quality piano performances that include the subtleties and nuances of a pianist's touch. An Apple iPad is the primary interface for all Spirio pianos.
Here are the main differences between Spirio Silver and Spirio Play.
Spirio Silver: Spirio Silver is Steinway's original player piano system released in 2016. It uses a sophisticated electromechanical mechanism to reproduce piano performances. The technology in Spirio Silver became known for its precision and accuracy in capturing and playing back the artist's performance.
Spirio Play: Spirio Play, released in 2020, builds upon the technology of Spirio Silver, using the same solenoid playback technology. It incorporates the new options for connectivity.
Spirio Silver: Steinway & Sons designed Spirio Silver as a standalone player piano system. The Bluetooth connection that connects the iPad to the Spirio is similar to many Bluetooth sound devices - and is easily reset from underneath the piano.
Video in Spirio Silver is shared and transmitted using the Apple Airplay standard.
Spirio Play: Spirio Play features a Spirio app- integrated Bluetooth connection, an HDMI connection for video display, and built-in Wi-Fi for upgrades.
Both systems' piano and video performance libraries are the same. A Spirio purchased from an authorized Steinway dealer includes a lifetime license to all content.
In our article, What is Spiriocast?, we cover the details of this new performance sharing and broadcasting technology. This technology is only included in the Spirio | r - the version of Spirio that supports recording, editing, and playback.
Spirio Play pianos can add Spiriocast through an upgrade (see dealer for details). Spirio Silver pianos do not currently have access to this technology, although it is anticipated that an upgrade kit will become available.
All Spirio pianos use high-resolution solenoid playback technology, but variations in Spirio exist in the connectivity to the ever-evolving world of audio and video devices.
Here’s a summary of the main differences in the Spirio line-up.
Spirio Silver
Spirio Play
Spirio | r
iPad Connection
Bluetooth Audio Device (3.0)
Spirio App Integrated Bluetooth (4.0)
Spirio App Integrated Bluetooth (4.0)
Video Connection
Apple Airplay
Via App
Via Wifi directly to piano
Via wifi directly to piano
Upgrade Charge
Video Content
Complete Library
Complete Library
Complete Library
Music Content
Complete Library
Complete Library
Complete Library
For more reading on Spirio, see our articles: