` Can you wrap a piano?

Can you wrap a piano?

July 9, 2021 Chuck Johnson

A modern, decorative art

Wrapping is a decorative art come of age. You may have seen company cars wrapped in the smooth vinyl that peels without difficulty, helping to advertise products, services, or a special event coming up.

Arc do Tr

Wrapping is suddenly everywhere these days, even as a massive art statement covering a key, recognizable landmark like Napoleon’s famed Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

This final, posthumous work by the artist Christo, who recently passed away at age 84, will be unveiled on September 18th and will run through October 3rd.

The total cost for the Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped? $14 million dollars, entirely funded by the late Christo. Happily, the cost of wrapping a piano at M. Steinert & Sons is much less expensive!

Piano wraps are rising in popularity as one of M. Steinert & Sons’ creative offerings. Whether it’s the perfect finish to add some color to a new interior design or for a special performance or event, a wrapped piano can transform a space instantly.

On the right: The artist's rendering of his Arc de Triomphe wrap design.

Why wrap?

So why would a piano buyer prefer vinyl over paint? According to Dr. Helen Ming, a piano consultant for M. Steinert & Sons, vinyl has several significant benefits:

  1. Wrap vinyl easily stretches, conforming to the piano’s contours
  2. The vinyl’s air release feature avoids the issue of air bubbles
  3. Wrap vinyl is easily removed without damaging the piano’s original finish
  4. The vinyl comes in a variety of textures and colors

The process

During the installation process, the different exterior parts of the piano are disassembled to wrap the individual parts like the legs, pedal tree, lid, and bench. The seams and cut edges are meticulously hidden, allowing a wrapped piano from M. Steinert & Sons will look quite like paint.

“We provide this wrapping service for both individual and business customers alike,” says Dr. Ming. “These are people who want something different for their home or office, yet tasteful.”

All of the wrapping work is done on site at M. Steinert & Sons with assistance from Wrap Solutions in Boston, which specializes in such wrapping projects.

As for the cost, wrapping a piano, with all the painstaking work that goes into it, is surprisingly affordable. Wrapping a piano depending upon details sought costs between $5,000 and $8,000.


The Essex EGP155 after a custom gold/bronze wrap.


For More Designer Options

Also, look into our Designer Piano Collection From Steinway

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