January 9, 2010 •Chuck Johnson
The 2010 Steinway Society of Massachusetts Piano Competition will be held April 30-May 2, in two locations. Official entry forms are available at either M. Steinert & Sons location, or on the web at www.steinwaysocietymass.org.
The 2010 Piano Competition will consist of 4 divisions open to pianists of any nationality. The First Division (age 9 and under) will compete at M. Steinert & Sons’ Natick location. The Second, Third and Fourth Divisions will compete at M. Steinert & Sons’ Boston location.
First Division (age 9 and under)
Location: M. Steinert & Sons, Natick
Application Fee: $40
Audition Requirements: 2 Pieces from contrasting styles for a maximum of 5 minutes
Prizes: Medals for First, Second & Third place and participation
Second Division (6th- 8th grade)
Location: M. Steinert & Sons, Boston
Application Fee: $70
Audition Requirements: 2 pieces from contrasting styles for a maximum of 10 minutes
Prizes: Medals for First, Second & Third place and participation
Third Division (9th-12th grade)
Location: M. Steinert & Sons, Boston
Application Fee: $70
Audition Requirements: 2 pieces from contrasting styles for a maximum of 15 minutes
• 1st Prize: $300
• 2nd Prize: $2c00
• 3rd Prize: $100
Fourth Division (College age through age 36)
Location: M. Steinert & Sons, Boston
Application Fee: $70
Audition Requirements:
o Preliminary Round – Audio CD
o An audio CD containing a maximum of 20 minutes of music featuring at least two different styles must be received no later than February 28th, 2010. YouTube videos will be accepted in lieu of an audio CD. Candidates will be notified of acceptance into the semifinal round by March 19, 2010.
• Semi-final round
o Chosen candidates will perform two pieces from contrasting styles for a maximum of 20 minutes.
• Final round
o Candidates will perform two or more pieces or movements from contrasting styles for a maximum of 30 minutes. Selections from the second round cannot be repeated in the third round. Selections from the preliminary round can be used in all rounds.
• 1st Prize: Concert Tour in Europe or $1,500
• 2nd Prize: $600
• 3rd Prize: $300
Special Note: All Fourth Division contestants whose applications and CDs are received by February 28, 2010 will be considered for performance opportunities in the Greater Boston area, some of which may be paid engagements.
Competition Rules:
• Complete applications will be accepted in the order received.
• Contestants who apply after the competition is full will receive a full refund of their fee.
• All contestants must perform from memory.
• Contestants must provide a copy of the music they intend to perform at the time of the audition.
• Winners of previous Steinway Society competitions are not eligible to compete.
• Contestants will receive notification via email of audition day and time.
• Any contestant who is not available to play at his/her appointed time may request to perform last.
• All Jurors’ decisions are final and the Jury has the right to withhold any of the prizes.
• Jurors will not judge contestants to whom they are related, or with whom they have been in a teaching relationship.
• The Jury may stop contestants at any time during the performance.
• Cash awards are subject to applicable U.S. income tax laws.
• The prizewinner from each division must perform in the award recital the evening of May 2, 2010 in order to receive his/her award.
• Each contestant accepts unconditionally the rules of the competition by submitting his/her signed application.
Please include the following items with your entry:
• A check in the correct amount for your division, made payable to “Steinway Society of Massachusetts.”
• For 4st Division, an audio CD or YouTube audition video link.
• For all Divisions, a biographical profile of approximately 100 words that can be used for press purposes.
All materials must be postmarked by April 9th for Divisions 1-3 and by February 28, 2010 for Division 4, and sent to:
Steinway Society of Massachusetts
162 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
For additional information please call (866) 871-9786 or visit steinwaysocietymass.org
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